Outdoor LED Screen Technology
At night in major cities, one can clearly see the lighting in colorful streets. Stores, billboards and many public transport vehicles commonly use LED panels as a form of lighting. However,what stand out from the rest are large outdoor LED screens that keep on playing different commercial adverts for different products. One can easily confuse these large screens to large television if they do not look closely. They look similar to any other screen but the difference is that this display screens are driven by different colored diodes to form a full color pixel. For maximum resolution these pixels are made in such a way that they are evenly spaced.
For a stunning color resolution, these indoor LED displays screens are made with the best quality LED products. This also translates to rich contrast, sharp display and stunning brightness. As for the ever changing weather patterns, there seems to be a risk of these screens being rained on and damaged. However, this is not the case. These screens are made of waterproof materials and hence they are highly water resistant. They also have the ability to withstand harsh weather conditions than most indoor screens do. Their intensity of brightness also differs just like in LED signs, from those of indoor screens since they have higher brightness levels than their counterparts. The technology involved in the making of LED screen differs from one device to another.
Different technologies used means different display qualities in the outcome. Rare and best technologies tend to cost more than commonly used technologies. There are different technologies used in manufacturing LED screens. These types of display technology are the OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) and the AMOLED (Active Matrix Organic Light-Emitting Diode). Both of these screen types are manufactured to high quality standards and are intended to produce a higher contrast ratio that bring out rich displays.
The principle behind the functioning of the OLED screen is that it passes certain materials through electric energy, causing them to glow in different colors. Television screens made using this type of technology are lighter and thinner than those made with other technology like the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display). When it comes to performance they are able to give a stunning performance and are more efficient since they have sharp displays with higher pixel resolutions. AMOLED is another type of LED screen display that consists of an active matrix that produces light when the electrons in the diode are activated.
Outdoor display screens find applications in a number of places. While LED display signs find application in business centers, highways, streets and subways, the LED screens find application in tall buildings, airports, outdoor cinemas and sports stadiums. For instance,large screens with brighter displays are used in soccer stadiums for spectators to have a better viewing. Any viewer in the stadium should be able to see the screen clearly from wherever they are. Generally, this is the most important screen technology that has brought major and notable changes in the world today.