Tips For Lady First Timers In Baseball Games
For the girls or women who are dragged along or are in the switch contracts with their families or significant others, going for a game they do not like can be a bit of a mood-killer. But it does not mean that you cannot have a good time there though. Lack of passion for a game does not equal a lack of fun, so here is the tips for make it easier for you at the ground.
No heel day
While it might seem obvious, it is something that needs to be followed with religious fanaticism. You will be stuck outside for hours a day in the sun (unless you get to sit at the bleachers with the shade) and you will be made to jump up and down when the home runs are coming. If you do not follow the colors of the stadium’s team then it is fine to go for neutral shades but do not go about wearing the opposing team’s colors as at the end of the game you might get some nasty experiences with drunk strangers. Low key and comfortable clothing and footwear are a must at any sports game.
While you might want to take the tote to match your clothes it is not recommended to take huge handbags to the stadium as you will end up with food stains, sweat and unidentifiable stains on your nice bag. Some stadiums also have bag size limits to restrict bringing in outside food so to avoid an embarrassing and stink-eye-receiving situation when you hold up line at security might as well take your smallest backpack or purse.
There are no points and only runs and the electronic scoreboards in Australia is your friend
Baseball does not have a point system but the score is kept at the electronic scoreboard according to runs. There are nine innings to a game and since there are no ties the game can go on until there is a winner declared. The team from outside or the ‘away’ team bats at the ‘top’ of an n innings while the home team gets to bat at the ‘bottom’ of an innings. There are three outs per inning per team and if the batter cannot hit the ball for three strikes then he or she is out. When the batter gets to fourth ball he gets to run to first base. A home run is when the batter hits the ball so high and away that he can run to all four bases. If you are looking for other scoreboard that is for sale like rugby scoreboard, just visit this link
Make sure to have fun at the baseball game by forgetting your dislike for a couple of hours; even if you do not like it, do not spoil it for others who are fans at the stadium.