Too Much Bling
Promotional Packaging is an industry that has taken to the skies, it is the concept of prettifying your product to make your product more appealing to the consumer. You go to any supermarket these days and promotional packaging surrounds you, everything you buy has been carefully packaged to stand out from the crowd. This is why when you go to the supermarket it feels like you are entering a carnival, bright lights, fantastic miracles that can hardly be believed (I know I have tried those face creams and my old face is still here), wonderful colours and upbeat background music designed to make you happy about spending your money on the fancy packaging. The nuts still taste the same no matter what colour the bag they came in, it is not until you go home that the euphoria ends and you realize you could have saved twenty bucks by buying the cheaper brands but then your pantry wouldn’t be so pretty. After all it is all about the bling. When Betty the gossipy neighbor comes over for a coffee at least she can report that you have the right coloured biscuits and the appropriate coffee, not to mention that when you open that pantry door she loses the ability to function properly because of the overwhelming brand parade that hits her in her nosey face. Makes that extra twenty spent worth every penny.
This is the reality we live in now, products get bought because they are so easily recognizable, their promotional USBs in Melbourne so commercialized that it must be good because everyone else is buying it. Nothing to do with quality and everything to do with status, a sad reflection when even our vegetables are peer pressure purchases. When you walk through those doors shut your eyes to the pretty bows, the cute dogs, the bold colours and open them to the price and how essential that product is to you.
Be aware of the marketing that is going on around you and choose what you want, not what is thrust in your face as being the best, the brightest and most popular. If in fact you are looking to be voted the most product placed pantry in the neighborhood then for sure buy away to your little hearts content, bling that pantry up and sit back as your neighbors gasp in awe and envy that you paid top dollar for those chocky biscuits. Meanwhile I will sit back with my cheaper version knowing they taste exactly the same and that I can hide them from the kids in amongst all the other bland packaged promotional product company in Melbourne in my pantry. There is nothing like a well concealed chocolate treat to make your day unless it is the fact that with buying the unblinged version I can get two packets.